Luke Cage Protection Service

Picture of Luke Cage

This protection service is based in Harlem New York located in Pop's shop with my associates and will handle any type of trouble that comes your way, BIG or small we can handle it. Forms of payments are discussed and payment options are avaiable. We associated with Avengers and Defenders when the time calls for it.

This protection service was founded on principles of protecting the people who can't protect themselves. Starting out in Harlem out of barber shop and dealing with any threat that is thrown our way and we can handle it. Our associates have different methods on how we get things done and how do protection and how we handle cases. Some are case by case basis and handled with care or not so much care if need be. Hero or villian we will take on the services that is needed We care about this city of New York and making each burrow safer. But if you don't have the money just ask doom what happen.

Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson who help our legal defense and help with any other investigative work. Also our Private Investigator Jessica Jones who is our excellent PI who does some of the heavy lifting along side me as well.

'Sweet Christmas what ever problem is we can handle it the defenders are here to serve and defend!
-Luke Cage"